Color: Black



Date of Birth:


Mambo is born in October 2023 and his final weight will be 16-18kg. He knows how to keep calm and wait for you to open the door. He has mastered the concept of urinating and deficating on potty training pads. He is not friendly with people yet, however with proper training and motivation with treats, …



Date of Birth:


Dahlia at this stage of her life is a lively puppy. Born in September 2023 and weighs 20 kilos. She needs to build a relationship with a guardian who she can trust, feel safe and gain training. Her boundaries must be set and an active owner would be perfect. She is a high energy dog …



Date of Birth:


Lovely Oliver is neutered and fully vaccinated. He was born in the spring of 2022 and is a cat with excess energy. Although he is blind, he perceives every movement near or far from him and when he finds the right opportunity he jumps onto your shoulder and remains there for a while. He loves …



Date of Birth:


Tango is  born in October 2023 and his final weight will be 16-18kg. He is a very cooperative puppy and quite intelligent. He quickly understands what you ask of him and follows it. He also understands when you do not like a behaviour. Once he is corrected he stops doing it. However, due to his …



Date of Birth:


Dulce is like a fluffy little cow. Born in the hot summer of 2022, he has proven that he plays the role of leader perfectly. He gets along well with humans but prefers not to share their attention with other cats. He is a dominant cat, determined to get what he wants, which is usually …



Date of Birth:


Doll was born in July 2022. She is fully vaccinated and spayed. She is cuddly yet independent, playful yet calm. She likes human company and prefers not to share her human with other animals. She likes being pet but only when she asks for it herself. Our animals can be adopted within Attica with an …



Date of Birth:


Larry is a male dog,  15 kilos, born in 2017, he is neutered and fully vaccinated. He also has a clean bill of health. Larry is  the definition of a perfectly house trained dog!!! He never causes  trouble nor does he  have separation anxiety. He does not get along with other dogs especially with males  …


Date of Birth:


"You don't have to be rich To be my girl You don't have to be cool To rule my world Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with I just want your extra time and your Kiss" Είμαι πολύ αγαπησιάρης, είναι αλήθεια. Θέλω προσοχή, χάδια και...ένα στέμμα! Ψάχνω μία οικογένεια να ζήσουμε μαζί στο βασίλειό …



Date of Birth:


Cassy is a healthy, female Kritikos Ichnilatus, 20 kilos. She has been neutered and was born in June of 2021. She walks next to her owner dilegently. She does not pull on the leash however she loves to explore sniffing new environments. She is housed trained and has never dirtied her crate. She is easy …



Date of Birth:


The black and mysterious Mulan was born in the summer of 2021, she us fully vaccinated and spayed. As soon as she notices you she begins to do flips in the air and plays. She constantly seeks caresses and attention. She gets along well with young and old cats, as well as other animals. However, …