Sex: Male


Date of Birth:


Αυτός ο σκύλος έχει 2 ονόματα, Νούλης και Σωτήρης. Το πρώτο το έδωσε μετά από εξονυχιστικές εξετάσεις η κτηνίατρος που το παρακολουθούσε διακρίνοντας πως είναι λίγο τσαχπίνης, τσαχπινούλης, Νούλης. Το 2ο δόθηκε έτσι επειδή μας αρέσουν τα λαϊκά αγόρια. Πήρε καιρό μέχρι να μπορούμε να αστειευόμαστε για αυτό, ξέρουμε πόσο δύσκολο είναι να νοσεί ένα …



Date of Birth:


Dahlia at this stage of her life is a lively puppy. Born in September 2023 and weighs 20 kilos. She needs to build a relationship with a guardian who she can trust, feel safe and gain training. Her boundaries must be set and an active owner would be perfect. She is a high energy dog …



Date of Birth:


Dahlia at this stage of her life is a lively puppy. Born in September 2023 and weighs 20 kilos. She needs to build a relationship with a guardian who she can trust, feel safe and gain training. Her boundaries must be set and an active owner would be perfect. She is a high energy dog …



Date of Birth:


Dahlia at this stage of her life is a lively puppy. Born in September 2023 and weighs 20 kilos. She needs to build a relationship with a guardian who she can trust, feel safe and gain training. Her boundaries must be set and an active owner would be perfect. She is a high energy dog …



Date of Birth:


Dahlia at this stage of her life is a lively puppy. Born in September 2023 and weighs 20 kilos. She needs to build a relationship with a guardian who she can trust, feel safe and gain training. Her boundaries must be set and an active owner would be perfect. She is a high energy dog …



Date of Birth:


Little Cotton, soft as cotton, was born in February 2023. Spayed and fully vaccinated, he constantly demands your attention and will do anything to get it. Cuddly yet independent, Cotton loves contact with other cats and people. Our animals can be adopted within Attica with an adoption contract and microchip, the cost of which is …



Date of Birth:


Flash is a male dog, fully vaccinated and has been neutered. He was born in 2016 and is about 25 kilos. His previous owner unfortinately died. The remaining family members chained him and tied him to a tree in their garden. When we were informed that they didnt want him and that he was no …



Date of Birth:


Tango is  born in October 2023 and his final weight will be 16-18kg. He is a very cooperative puppy and quite intelligent. He quickly understands what you ask of him and follows it. He also understands when you do not like a behaviour. Once he is corrected he stops doing it. However, due to his …



Date of Birth:


Dahlia at this stage of her life is a lively puppy. Born in September 2023 and weighs 20 kilos. She needs to build a relationship with a guardian who she can trust, feel safe and gain training. Her boundaries must be set and an active owner would be perfect. She is a high energy dog …



Date of Birth:


Dahlia at this stage of her life is a lively puppy. Born in September 2023 and weighs 20 kilos. She needs to build a relationship with a guardian who she can trust, feel safe and gain training. Her boundaries must be set and an active owner would be perfect. She is a high energy dog …